Our dedicated in house payroll bureau has a wealth of experience helping clients run their employee functions happily and efficiently. Administrating payroll is becoming increasingly time consuming and stressful for many businesses, especially with the introduction of Real Time Information, workplace pensions and ever changing legislation.
By using our in house services, we are able to provide a cost effective and completely confidential service that includes:
- Auto-enrolment
- Starters and leavers
- Tax Code changes
- Taxable benefits and P11Ds
- Company, personal, and stakeholder pension schemes
- Student loan recovery
- SMP, SPP, SSP, and SAP
- Child maintenance orders
- Give as you earn
- Pay in lieu of notice redundancy
- Advice on tax and NIC payable
- Dealing with employee enquiries
- Standard payroll reports
- Production of year-end P60s and P11Ds